Dołączył: 06 Mar 2024 Posty: 1
Wysłany: Sro Mar 06, 2024 06:51 Temat postu: The ins and outs of the 'men in black' inspection of Spani |
Bank of Spain and trips by metro and bus The 'men in black' from the IMF and Brussels have just left Spain, giving a strong boost to the solvency of the banks. But the discretion with which they have moved around Madrid has also attracted attention. This has been, broadly speaking, the stay of the Troika technicians in the capital. The 'men in black' from Brussels now land in the Treasury: they do not trust the deficit figure of 6.7% announced by the Government: it does not fit them in four tenths The 'men in black' from Brussels who inspect Spain do not lead by example: retirement with 70% of salary, 300 euros per month per child, private health insurance The 'men in black' sent to Madrid investigate all the banks. They suspect that there is hidden delinquency and have not informed the Bank of Spain of the The 'men in black' of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) landed in Madrid on September 16 to carry out the fourth review of the banking reform within the framework of the rescue offered by the Eurozone.
A week later, inspectors from Brussels , from the European Commission and the ECB , joined the mission . Both teams of technicians have moved around Madrid during the last 15 days and since their arrival they have installed their operations center at the headquarters of the Bank of Spain, in Plaza de Cibeles. There they have Middle East Mobile Number List carried out all the interrogations of the bank executives and the detailed analysis of the evolution of the financial sector. Meetings with all banks According to sources familiar with the Troika's plans in Spain, to which has had access, the 'men in black' wanted to hold accountable , first of all, the senior officials of all the banks in the country. And not only to those who have received aid from the EU to recapitalize . They wanted to get a complete picture of the solvency of the Spanish entities. The friendly tone of the inspectors It was an intense first week of stay in Madrid, in which they met, not only with all the banking representatives, but also with officials from the Ministry of Economy and Finance . Most of the conversations were held at the Bank of Spain and they did not visit any of the entities 'in situ'.
Its objective: to request all the necessary data to be able to make a firm opinion on the current health of Spanish banking, but also of public accounts . People who know the surroundings of these meetings assure ECD that the tone of the inspectors was not aggressive at all . exp-player-logo The PP concludes that the Basque elections will not influence Spain Hotels near the Bank of Spain The sources to which this confidentiality has had access explain that the Troika technicians stayed during their stay in Madrid in hotels near the Bank of Spain , in the vicinity, therefore, of the Plaza de Cibeles and the Paseo de la Castellana. This has allowed them to move around the capital by metro , and some of them have even chosen to do so on foot and access the supervisor's offices through the main door in total normality. Without the need for long lines of official cars on Paseo del Prado, or on Calle Alcalá. They are distinguished by their maximum discretion Another aspect highlighted by senior officials who have dealt with the 'men in black' these days is their discretion . _________________ Middle East Mobile Number List |